Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
National Campaign for Food and Freedom
Statement of Burmese democratic forces and supporters around the world,
Calling for an immediate international intervention for food and freedoms in Burma
By creating a coalition of willing
May 28, 2008
We, Burmese democratic organizations – along with Burma campaign groups – around the world are calling for an immediate international intervention in Burma, reminding the international community that this is the time to bring a change in the military-ruled country.
We strongly criticize the United Nations and Association of South East Asia Nations (ASEAN) for their repeated failure to live up to the expectation of international community in providing food and freedoms for Burmese people.
Burmese have suffered again and again under repeated ASEAN and UN's good intentioned but ill fated mediations. ASEAN and UN are simply no match for cunning and cruel Burmese generals who think nothing of breaking their promises. In the past, the end result of the ASEAN and UN failures were only imprisonments of thousands of political activists including our leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Some of those prisoners died in custody. However, the number of deaths from the current crisis will be a thousand times larger than previous crises.
Five days after an apparent agreement by the Supremo General Than Shwe, there is no concrete result on the ground. There are even more restrictions for Burmese donors let alone foreign donors. Even Burmese ex-pat physicians who are planning mercy medical missions using their own resources are subjected to a lengthy visa process.
The regime is using police and armed forces not to help those cyclone victims but to force them back to their villages without any assistance. We know how the regime is going to play the game. There will be more meetings and open up a bit each time just to string along the UN.
More people are dying everyday. This is time for ASEAN and UN to admit its failure and let French, EU, US navy and international aid agencies handle the situation. At this time, the junta has extended the house arrest of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi illegally after they exhausted the five year period. They have not shown any goodwill towards their own suffering citizens, political prisoners or the world community. There is no reason to believe that the junta will start to change as a result of more negotiation. Concrete effective action, whose time is way overdue, is the only recourse left.
We demand that UN and ASEAN stop the mediation NOW.
All the current available information from the international experts indicates that thousands of the cyclone victims are facing the second wave of death due to the outbreak of diseases. UN and ASEAN have clearly demonstrated the world that they were unable to persuade the Burmese military regime to save the lives of cyclone victims. As such, we request the Nations of the International Community willing to act upon the principle of “Responsibility to Protect (R2P)," to proceed with their noble intention to save the thousands of lives before it is too late.
Dr. Cynthia Maung (Burma Medical Association) Thailand Win7@loxinfo.co.th Tel: 66-55-544495
Dr Khin Saw Win (Alice) (Burma Medical Association) Canada Alice.khin@ualberta.ca Tel: 780-4924547/780-9529877
Tin Maung Htoo (Canada) Canadian Friends of Burma www.cfob.org Tel: 613-237-8056 tinmaunghtoo@cfob.org
Dr. Raymond Tint Way (Australia) Concerned Burmese Physicians and Professionals www.cmpp-burma.blogspot.com Mobile 61 0416220208 E mail jostint@hotmail.com
Dr Ko K Lay (UK) Concerned Burmese Physicians and Professionals www.cmpp-burma.blogspot.com Tel: 00 44 07790 427271 drkokolay@yahoo.co.uk
Dr. Soe Naung (Jamaica) Concerned Burmese Physicians and Professionals www.cmpp-burma.blogspot.com Tel: 876-995-2875 soehtwe@cwjamaica.com
Dr. Aye Min (USA) Concerned Burmese Physicians and Professionals www.cmpp-burma.blogspot.com Tel: 804-512-4669 radiomin@gmail.com
Moe Thee Zun (USA) Democratic Federation of Burma wefightwewin@gmail.com
Ar Kar Soe (USA) Anti-Dictatorship People’s Freedom Movement www.adpfmburma.com arkarsoee@yahoo.com Tel: 301-213-0605
Yin Aye (USA) Democratic Burmese Students Organization (USA) yindbso@hotmail.com Tel: 301-905-7591
Tin Maung Thaw (General Secretary) (USA) Committee for Restoration of Democracy in Burma 703-723-4855 tinthaw@yahoo.com
Min Yan Naing (Burma) Generation Wave gwbobmarley@gmail.com
Ko Ko Aung (Japan) Democractic Federation of Burma (Japan) Tel: +81-9015062893 kokoaung_dfbjp@yahoo.com
Kyaw Kyaw Soe (Japan) League for Democracy in Burma (Japan) Tel: +81-9060314394 sayarkway@hotmail.com
Khin Sandi (USA) Women on the Move for Burma Tel: 917 445 9222 freeassk@yahoo.com
Ko Thant Zin Myint (USA)
International Campaign for Burma (New York)
Tel: 347-229-4309 icbnewyork@gmail.com
Ko Myo (USA) 88 Generation Students (Exile) Tel: 347-668-5046 http://www.pbase.com/komyoe88 E-mail: komyoe_art@yahoo.com
Aung Sa Oversea Burmese Patriots (Singapore) aungsayapyi@gmail.com Tel: +65-9487-4413
Taw Thar Gyi (Burma) Democratic Front of the Patriots (HQ) Mindfulness07@gmail.com
Shwe Htee (USA) Nonviolent Empowerment Organization shwehtee@yahoo.com Tel: 571-235-4035
Dr. Thi Ha (USA) Burmese Democracy Forum (Fort Wayne - Indiana) Tel: 260-602-1876
Dong Khup (USA) Chin Freedom Coalition Tel: 443-629-3329
Athein & Zaw Min Htwe (88 Generation) (USA)
Walk for Freedom
Tel: 971 285 7399
Aung New Oo (Canada) Burmese Students Democratic Organization Tel: 416-262-5447 Aungoo205@yahoo.com
Thway Ni
Burmese Bloggers without Borders (http://bbwob.blogspot.com/)
Aung Tin (Canada)
Chairman (NLD-LA Canada)
Tel: 647 343 7871
Yin Htway (Thailand)
Joint Secretary
Burma Political Prisoner's Union (http://bppuweb.bizhat.com/)
Tel: 0845755416
Guiding Star (Burma) contact: niknayman.niknayman@gmail.com www.niknayman.blogspot.com
Ko Myat Soe (USA) Justice for Human Rights in Burma ( http://www.jhburma.org/ ) msoe9872@aol.com Tel: 260-615-0575
U Than Aung (Canada) Burma Watch International Tel: (780) 439-7555 Cell:(780) 953-9877 www.burmawatch.org
Dr. Win Naing (UK) Burmese Democratic Community Tel: 0208 2067340 walaynaing@aol.com
Posted by Dr. Aye Min 226 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Date: May 11, 2008
Statement on Relief and Recovery Efforts for the Victims of Cyclone Nargis in Burma
We are members of various overseas Burmese organizations and we are gravely concerned at the growing humanitarian crisis in Burma, as a result of Cyclone Nargis and its aftermath. This is a massive human catastrophe and it is getting more and more desperate day by day. The international community and the United Nations have pledged their support and commitment to assist with the relief and recovery efforts in Burma, but Burma’s State Peace and Development Council has been reluctant to allow aid workers into the country.
We urge to the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) to fully cooperate with the international community and the United Nations to allow foreign aid, including disaster relief teams and personnel, to enter into Burma. This is not the time to play political games at the expense of hundreds of thousands of peoples’ lives. Foreign naval ships are waiting in waters nearby Burma to provide food and supplies and help with the relief efforts. Burma does not have the expertise or capacity to handle such large-scale disasters alone. We need technical assistance. The United Nations, the international community, and relief organizations are offering trained personnel in emergency response who can establish urgently-needed field hospitals and water purification systems quickly and efficiently.
We implore the State Peace and Development Council to work with all nations and agencies that offer assistance to the victims of Cyclone Nargis. This situation is not political and our interests are completely non-partisan. We are simply concerned about health and welfare of the Burmese people, and we understand that no country can respond to such devastation and loss alone.
We are also very concerned that international community will be misled by newspaper headlines prints such as "Aid is getting through in increased amounts", while in fact the junta continues to hold millions of its own people hostage. Thousands of innocent cyclone victims lives will be lost while the junta is playing this cat and mouse game. Now, another storm is coming to Burma. Again, time is running out for those victims.
If the regime continues to ignore our plea, International Governments and the United Nations shall no longer pay any attention to the sham sovereignty of the SPDC, which clearly shows its incompetence to protect its own citizens.
We are calling on all governments and UN bodies to provide aid immediately to our people who are dying in the thousands. This is not the time to respect Burma's border controls. National restrictions that are causing further deaths do not deserve anyone's respect.
Dr. Cynthia Maung ( BMA) Thailand
Tel: 66-55-544495
Dr Khin Saw Win (Alice) (BMA) Canada
Tel: 780-4924547/780-9529877
Dr. Zaw Myint (USA)
Concerned Burmese Physicians and Professionals www.cmpp-burma.blogspot.com
215-632-9040 extension 652
Email- zmyint51@hotmail.com
Dr. Raymond Tint Way (Australia)
Concerned Burmese Physicians and Professionals www.cmpp-burma.blogspot.com
Mobile 61 0416220208
E mail jostint@hotmail.com
Dr Ko K Lay (UK)
Concerned Burmese Physicians and Professionals www.cmpp-burma.blogspot.com
Tel: 00 44 07790 427271
Dr. Soe Naung (Jamaica)
Concerned Burmese Physicians and Professionals www.cmpp-burma.blogspot.com
Tel: 876-995-2875
Moe Thee Zun (USA)
Democratic Federation of Burma
Ar Kar Soe (USA)
Anti-Dictatorship People’s Freedom Movement www.adpfmburma.com
Tel: 301-213-0605
Yin Aye (USA)
Democratic Burmese Students Organization (USA)
Tel: 301-905-7591
Tin Maung Thaw (General Secretary) (USA)
Committee for Restoration of Democracy in Burma
Min Yan Naing (Burma)
Generation Wave
Tel: +66-852385979
Ko Ko Aung (Japan)
Democractic Federation of Burma (Japan)
Tel: +81-9015062893
Kyaw Kyaw Soe (Japan)
League for Democracy in Burma (Japan)
Tel: +81-9060314394
Khin Sandi (USA)
Women on the Move for Burma
917 445 9222
Aung Khant (USA)
International Campaign for Burma (New York)
Tel: 516-808-1515
Ko Myo (USA)
88 Generation Students (Exile)
Tel: 347-668-5046
Aung Sa
Oversea Burmese Patriots (Singapore)
Tel: +65-9487-4413
Taw Thar Gyi
Democratic Front of the Patriots (HQ)
Shwe Htee (USA)
Nonviolent Empowerment Organization
Tel: 571-235-4035
Dr. Thi Ha (USA)
Burmese Democracy Forum (Fort Wayne - Indiana)
Tel: 260-602-1876
Dr. Naing Lin (Malaysia)
National League for Democracy (LA – Malaysia)
Dong Khup (USA)
Chin Freedom Coalition
Tel: 443-629-3329
Athein & Zaw Min Htwe (88 Generation)
Walk for Freedom
Tel: 971 285 7399
Aung New Oo
Burmese Students Democratic Organization (Canada)
Tel: 416-262-5447
Thway Ni
Burmese Bloggers without Borders (http://bbwob.blogspot.com/)
Aung Tin,
Chairman (NLD-LA Canada)
Tel: 647 343 7871
Yin Htway (Thailand)
Joint Secretary
Burma Political Prisoner's Union (http://bppuweb.bizhat.com/)
Tel: 0845755416
Guiding Star (Burma)
contact: niknayman.niknayman@gmail.com
Posted by Dr. Aye Min 0 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Joint Statement by BMA, CMPP and Burmese civic groups
Date: May 8, 2008
Statement Released for Cyclone Disaster
We, Burmese medical professionals and Burmese civic organizations all over the world have been following the news of cyclone Nargis victims with deep sympathy and concerns. Cyclone victims have been without effective help for 6 days now and we are very much concerned about unnecessary human suffering and deaths. The situation is extremely dire with many people barely surviving.
The Burmese regime's blocking of aid is beyond horrendous. There are still many people and supplies waiting to go, but the Burmese regime continues to deny access.
We strongly urge International Community and Disaster Management Team enter into the country on humanitarian basis without waiting for permission from the military regime to provide immediate assistance to the victims of cyclone Nargis. We need immediate and massive airborne assistance to help the victims in outlying areas since roads have been destroyed. Actually, we need field hospitals, instant water purification plants, helicopters, boats...etc. The regime and the health professionals alone do not have the capacity to do it. There are no facilities in Burma for disaster assessment and management.
The cholera outbreak is starting now. The death toll is likely to rise drastically if massive large scale aid does not reach the affected areas to prevent the spread of water-borne diseases and address the survivors’ lack of clean water, shelter and food. We only have precious minutes and hours (not days) to help those hundreds of thousands of victims.
For further info:
Dr. Cynthia Maung ( BMA) Thailand
Tel: 66-55-544495
Dr Khin Saw Win (Alice) (BMA) Canada
Tel: 780-4924547/780-9529877
Dr. Aye Min (USA)
Tel: 804-512-4669
Concerned Burmese Physicians and Professionals www.cmpp-burma.blogspot.com
Moe Thee Zun (USA)
Democratic Federation of Burma
Ar Kar Soe (USA)
Anti-Dictatorship People’s Freedom Movement www.adpfmburma.com
Tel: 301-213-0605
Yin Aye (USA)
Democratic Burmese Students Organization (USA)
Tel: 301-905-7591
Tin Maung Thaw (General Secretary) (USA)
Committee for Restoration of Democracy in Burma
Min Yan Naing (Burma)
Generation Wave
Tel: +66-852385979
Ko Ko Aung (Japan)
Democractic Federation of Burma (Japan)
Tel: +81-9015062893
Kyaw Kyaw Soe (Japan)
League for Democracy in Burma (Japan)
Tel: +81-9060314394
Khin Sandi (USA)
Women on the Move for Burma
917 445 9222
Aung Khant (USA)
International Campaign for Burma (New York)
Tel: 516-808-1515
Ko Myo (USA)
88 Generation Students (Exile)
Tel: 347-668-5046
Aung Sa
Oversea Burmese Patriots (Singapore)
Tel: +65-9487-4413
Taw Thar Gyi
Democratic Front of the Patriots (HQ)
Shwe Htee (USA)
Nonviolent Empowerment Organization
Tel: 571-235-4035
Dr. Thi Ha (USA)
Burmese Democracy Forum (Fort Wayne - Indiana)
Tel: 260-602-1876
Dr. Naing Lin (Malaysia)
National League for Democracy (LA – Malaysia)
Tel: 60-16-366-9347
Dong Khup (USA)
Chin Freedom Coalition
Tel: 443-629-3329
Posted by Dr. Aye Min 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Immediate Press Release
Press Release
May 7, 2008
We have been following the news of cyclone Nargis victims with deep sympathy and concerns. Cyclone victims have been without effective help for 4 days now and we are very much concerned about unnecessary human suffering and deaths.We urge international NGOs to provide immediate assistance to the victims of cyclone Nargis. We are afraid there will be more deaths and suffering of people from infectious gastrointestinal diseases and dehydration from lack of clean water. We only have precious hours not days to help those victims since those diseases can kill a person within hours. We will need immediate and massive airborne assistance to help the victims in outlying areas since roads have been destroyed.
We request the State Peace and Development Council to allow immediate and unrestricted access to international NGOs to help our people. There will be hundreds more deaths for every hour of delay in assistance.
Burma Medical Association (BMA)
contact person
Dr. Alice Khin 780-952-9877
Concerned Burmese Physicians and Professionals
Posted by Dr. Aye Min 0 comments