Saturday, May 10, 2008

Joint Statement by BMA, CMPP and Burmese civic groups

Date: May 8, 2008

Statement Released for Cyclone Disaster

We, Burmese medical professionals and Burmese civic organizations all over the world have been following the news of cyclone Nargis victims with deep sympathy and concerns. Cyclone victims have been without effective help for 6 days now and we are very much concerned about unnecessary human suffering and deaths. The situation is extremely dire with many people barely surviving.

The Burmese regime's blocking of aid is beyond horrendous. There are still many people and supplies waiting to go, but the Burmese regime continues to deny access.

We strongly urge International Community and Disaster Management Team enter into the country on humanitarian basis without waiting for permission from the military regime to provide immediate assistance to the victims of cyclone Nargis. We need immediate and massive airborne assistance to help the victims in outlying areas since roads have been destroyed. Actually, we need field hospitals, instant water purification plants, helicopters, boats...etc. The regime and the health professionals alone do not have the capacity to do it. There are no facilities in Burma for disaster assessment and management.

The cholera outbreak is starting now. The death toll is likely to rise drastically if massive large scale aid does not reach the affected areas to prevent the spread of water-borne diseases and address the survivors’ lack of clean water, shelter and food. We only have precious minutes and hours (not days) to help those hundreds of thousands of victims.

For further info:


Dr. Cynthia Maung ( BMA) Thailand

Tel: 66-55-544495

Dr Khin Saw Win (Alice) (BMA) Canada

Tel: 780-4924547/780-9529877

Dr. Aye Min (USA)

Tel: 804-512-4669

Concerned Burmese Physicians and Professionals

Moe Thee Zun (USA)

Democratic Federation of Burma

Ar Kar Soe (USA)

Anti-Dictatorship People’s Freedom Movement

Tel: 301-213-0605

Yin Aye (USA)

Democratic Burmese Students Organization (USA)

Tel: 301-905-7591

Tin Maung Thaw (General Secretary) (USA)

Committee for Restoration of Democracy in Burma


Min Yan Naing (Burma)

Generation Wave

Tel: +66-852385979

Ko Ko Aung (Japan)

Democractic Federation of Burma (Japan)

Tel: +81-9015062893

Kyaw Kyaw Soe (Japan)

League for Democracy in Burma (Japan)

Tel: +81-9060314394

Khin Sandi (USA)

Women on the Move for Burma

917 445 9222

Aung Khant (USA)

International Campaign for Burma (New York)

Tel: 516-808-1515

Ko Myo (USA)

88 Generation Students (Exile)

Tel: 347-668-5046

Aung Sa

Oversea Burmese Patriots (Singapore)

Tel: +65-9487-4413

Taw Thar Gyi

Democratic Front of the Patriots (HQ)

Shwe Htee (USA)

Nonviolent Empowerment Organization

Tel: 571-235-4035

Dr. Thi Ha (USA)

Burmese Democracy Forum (Fort Wayne - Indiana)

Tel: 260-602-1876

Dr. Naing Lin (Malaysia)

National League for Democracy (LA – Malaysia)

Tel: 60-16-366-9347

Dong Khup (USA)

Chin Freedom Coalition

Tel: 443-629-3329

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