Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Struggle for Democracy in Burma Continues

Struggle for Democracy in Burma Continues…

August is a memorable month for Burma
Public protests occur in both eighty eight and O seven
Many people demonstrated and remember
Many protesters were killed or beaten.

Protesters had no firearms
SPDC has so many guns
It was an unequal struggle
The world sees it as a puzzle.

Many Buddhist monks were beaten and killed
Many more were tortured and imprisoned
But their sacrifice and stamina are strong still
People support them with passion.

All Buddhists are indignant with the SPDC
For suppressing the monks without mercy
They were also treated similarly
It is right to fight back with ferocity.

Some may recommend taking up arms
Others may suggest ,“don’t accept alms”
Still there is a way to emigrate
There’re many ways to topple SPDC degenerates.

Mahattama Gandhi had shown us the correct way
To oppose the oppressors in open days
To use peaceful means in all confrontations
So that people win morally in all conflagrations.

Gandhi marched peacefully
British beat, kicked and shot savagely
Still he marched on to his destination
He succeeded after incarceration.

In eighty eight, students went underground
They fought with arms from beyond
But they were not trained to acclaim
SPDC found them easy game.

It’s a mistake to fight an army with arms
“An eye for an eye” will give you harm
Buddha’s way is to fight tormentor with “Meytta”
It is the correct way to conquer everywhere.
So fight hatred with equamnimity
Oppose cruelty with sympathy
Be steadfast in your mission
Continue your commitment with dedication.

Ultimately justice will prevail
No body needs to wail
People must work in unity
They will achieves success, peace and democracy.

Aesclepius B

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