Monday, September 24, 2007

Welcome to CMPP blog

Welcome to CMPP blog.


seinwin V said...

congradulation !! aye min and concerned physician group .keep on good works.It is seem to going on for a while, Why not getting on some advices for financial support inside burma.

sein win (pediatrician-virginia)
1987 IM 1

Dr. Aye Min said...

Thank you Ah Ko Sein Win,
There is a very good response from overseas doctors. I am getting pledges about $2000 so far.

Dr. Alice Khin Saw Win said...

Ko Aye Min,

My salutation to you. I am convinced that you carry the name of ABSDF, and you are true ABSDF.

Keep up with you good work. And please let me know if there is anything to help/support you good work.


Dr. Aye Min said...

Dear Sayama and all,

Thank you for all encouragement. That is more than enough for me and I do not want to clutter this blog with mine since it belongs to all of us. Thank you again.